Vaishnu Dass, Quant faculty at TCY provides tips to help CAT aspirants plan their preparation strategy.
A 3-pronged strategy that helps not only with the learning process but also with the retention of the given set of words, whether scrambled or in any order.
We invited readers who have taken the CAT in previous years to share their experiences. Archit Shrivastava, an IIM Indore student, shares his advice.
There are only three weeks left before CAT 2007! How can you best use your time to maximise your percentile? Read on
We should be less doctrinaire about monetary and exchange rate policies and stimulation packages.
Shantanu Gangal, IIT-B graduate, shares some easy tips to ace VA and RC.
An in-depth look at the Quantitative and Data Interpretation sections of the CAT. Here are six can't-miss-tips that you must remember on test day.
A look at the Data Intepretation and Quantitative sections of the CAT. Which questions are easy? Which questions are difficult? How can you determine which questions to answer and which to avoid?
How should you study for CAT? Spend more time on your weak areas? Or spread time around evenly? Read on
With just 10 days to go before the big day, here's what you should and should not be dong in terms of your CAT preparation.
The unpredictability is seen in the number of questions, the number of sections, the marking scheme, negative marking, duration of the test and most importantly in the composition of the test.
To help you improve your skills and better you performance in the CAT, experts from Career Launcher hosted a chat with readers on September 19. The transcript.
We take a look at some section-wise tips for each of the three sections of CAT.
We take a look at some section-wise tips for each of the three sections of CAT.
Sankar N, a student at IIM Lucknow, shares his CAT experiences
So what constitutes your 'must do' list? Let's ask a few fundamental questions.
Should you quit your job and appear for CAT 2008 and go for an MBA? Kumar Mohanty of IMS Learning Resources Pvt. Ltd. answerd CAT 2008 queries during a chat held with our readers.
We bring CAT aspirants the cut-offs as predicted by the top CAT training institutes in the country., in collaboration with Career Launcher, compares CAT 2005 with CAT 2004 and CAT 2003., in collaboration with Career Launcher,brings you a detailed analysis of CAT 2005.
Atul Prashar, examination expert from TCYonline, takes a closer look at the various sections of the GRE and scoring patterns.
Experts from TCYonline help you familiarise yourself with the test interface so as to make the most out of each feature that it offers.
Sadly, the terrorist attacks of 2001 made a recession politically unacceptable, and America was goaded into a state of artificial economic stimulation. We are now paying the price for what may prove to be the biggest bet in financial history in the form of a credit crisis. This term is really a misnomer, as what we face is a debt crisis, the kind of problem which undisciplined, developing countries have to endure.
The fifth excerpt from Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, the story of 25 IIM Ahmedabad graduates who chose the rough road of entrepreneurship.
Ashish Dua, a student at IIM Lucknow (Batch 2008-10), shares his advice.
To help test-takers, we asked students who have taken the CAT to share their tips and tricks. Here, Rahul Sanghvi, IIML Batch 2008-10, shares how he went about his CAT prep.
What should you do if you are a computer graduate but want to give CAT a shot? Are there any specific strategies you should be looking at to improve your percentiles? How should you prepare to get a good CAT score and hence calls from top IIMs?
We take a look at two 'short' RC passages with a different set of question types.
While preparing for CAT, one common mistake that most students make is to get into a herd mentality. Doing something just because the rest of your friends are doing it is never a wise move.
CAT exam expert ARKS Srinivas discusses how to prepare for the subject of Reading Comprehension.
Unless you have a clear study strategy, the hours of effort you invest in preparing for CAT can be wasted.